Tuesday, February 28, 2012

L is for LOVE

So, what’s Love got to do with it?  Well, if you are a Luminary Leader, then it’s got everything to do with it.  I love the Ziggy Marley song, “Love is my Religion”, not because being a Luminary Leader has anything to do with being a certain religion, but it does mean adopting a certain way of being… and that being starts with LOVE! 

LOVE for YOURSELF:   This one goes without saying, but if you don’t love yourself, you are incapable of fully loving others.  It’s just the way it works…  So, if you are finding yourself struggling with loving others, or leading from a place of Love, begin here.  If you’re not feelin’ the love for yourself, dig deep and see what’s going on (or work with a therapist or coach to support you).  But in the meantime, start treating yourself with love.  Stop the negative self-talk.  Do something nice for yourself.  Treat your body as the temple it is.   And if all else fails, ask.  Ask yourself what it needs to feel loved.  Then stop and listen.  It will tell you.  

LOVE for OTHERS:  Ok, this is a biggie.  Think of all the great leaders you admire most.  My guess is you can you feel their love. You can feel it for the people they are leading.  You can feel it for the cause they are leading.  You can just feel it.  It’s one of the things that set great leaders apart.  They aren’t afraid of love; they embrace it and they use it.  I recently worked with a team of people.  And as you can imagine, some of them were really easy to love, and some… well, not so much.   This was a group that I had to be a part of, so I had two choices, I could be bitchy and non-loving, or I could find one thing about each of them that I could love.  Since you get what you focus on, I could have either focused on what I didn’t like about them (and I would have gotten more of it), or I could choose to find one thing to love.  One little thing.  And focus on that.  The funny thing is, when you focus on what you love about someone, you actually find more things about them that you do love.  Now this doesn’t mean I wanted to be best friends with these people, but it did allow me to work with them in a productive vs. painful way.  And since I don’t like pain, it was much easier to go with love!  Plus, if people can feel your love for them, they will go to the moon for you. 

LOVE SHARING YOUR LIGHT:    However you choose to share your light, love doing it.  It could be in your career, being a parent, a volunteer, etc.  If you don’t love it, ask yourself why and then take action to change it.  Or, what would it take to love it even more?  Luminary Leaders don’t play small, so an easy way to play bigger is to turn up the volume on the things you love – plus, it’s way more fun. 

Love is the highest vibration we can transmit, so use it powerfully and know that our world will be that much brighter when you choose to SHINE!   
And if you're in the mood for a little Ziggy - Love on! 

1 comment:

  1. L is for Love and Leadership. I love your new direction. Just finished Dan Hughes' book "Haunting the CEO" a parable about leadership coming of age. It certainly fits with this theme.

    Mike G
