Thursday, January 14, 2016

Doing Mornings Mindfully

Talk about an honor to be included in a Huffington Post article with some of my favorite Spiritual Shero’s, Oprah & Gabby Bernstein. 
The article entitled The 7 Things Mindful People Do Before 9:00 AM showcases simple ways to be more mindful and spiritual before you even leave the house in the morning.

Photo Credit:  Heaven Mcarthur
Life is a bit like a cocktail – you never know if it’s going to be shaken or stirred, but if you choose what you will infuse your day with, you really can be at choice around how you experience it.
We are all super busy and who needs or wants to add anything new to our list, but what if you could just shake up what you are already doing to get a different result?

Just as every cocktail uses different ingredients to change its flavor – you can throw in different mindfulness practices to change the flavor of your life. You already have to “do mornings” so why not do them in a way that brings you joy and allows you to Shine throughout the day.

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